DISARM H2020 International Workshop: “Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management” in livestock farming
As part of the DISARM, Horizon 2020 project, we are organising an International Workshop “Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management” in livestock farming. Draft programme is available below.
When? 3rd December 2019 (02 :00 – 05 :30 PM CET)
Where? Copa-Cogeca premises in Brussels (Rue de Trèves 61)
To find out more about the event, please see the programme below and attached to this email.
In order to participate, please register through the following link: https://form.jotformeu.com/copacogeca/disarm-h2020-international-workshop . Deadline for registrations is 26th November. Please note that the number of places is limited and that the registrations will be subject to approval.
For those that cannot attend the event in Brussels, or in case it is fully booked, we offer the possibility to attend a livestream version of the event. You will be able to actively participate by asking questions in our chat function. Register for the livestream through the following link https://zlto.webinargeek.com/disarm-stakeholder-event-5-12-2019 Registration for the livestream is possible at all times until the event begins.
To find out more about the DISARM project please have a look at our introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKYUiXuCJQA
Best regards,
DISARM Project team